Magnesium is critical to bone health but
also plays a major role in muscle and nerve
function, heart rhythm, immunity, regulation
of blood sugar, and blood pressure. And from
our own experience, we have found
magnesium to be of great help for those who
are having trouble obtaining restful sleep. In
fact, we often call magnesium the “magic
white powder,” as it helps us fall asleep so
Magnesium is found in many foods,
including leafy greens (spinach, Swiss chard,
mustard greens, and turnip greens), other
vegetables and fruits, and several types of
nuts and seeds. However, according to several
studies and the World Health Organization, a
substantial number of people in the United
States are magnesium deficient. The
processing of food and higher percentage of
“junk food” in our diets have been
contributing factors. Furthermore, many
blame the depletion of our soil because of