It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

intake to a cup with each meal.


In response to the question, “Should I take
a multi-vitamin,” we generally answer with
one word.

We’re pretty agnostic on the subject of
“multi-vitamins”—supplements that include a
wide range and variety of vitamins, minerals,
and micronutrients. On one hand, we know
that the nutrients we get from real food
interact in complex and beautiful ways in our
bodies, providing us with a level of health that
supplements simply cannot match. On the
other hand, it’s idealistic to think that we can
get perfect nutrition just from the foods we
eat and our environment. After all, we don’t
always eat perfectly, and our modern world
(the soil, the water, the seeds themselves) may
not provide us with as much nutrition from

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