in our bodies and in our brains.
Over the last fifty years, the makeup of
our foods has dramatically changed. Our
grocery stores and health food markets are
packed with shelves of processed, refined
food-like products—which no longer look
anything like the plant or animal from which
they were derived.
Food scientists caught on to the fact that
our brains respond strongly to specific flavors
(such as the aforementioned sweet, fatty, and
salty), and armed with this knowledge, they
began to modify our whole foods. They
sucked out the water, the fiber, and the
nutrients, and replaced them with ingredients
like corn syrup, MSG, seed oils, and artificial
sweeteners, colors, and flavors. All of this
with the specific intention of inducing
cravings, overconsumption and bigger profits
for food manufacturers.
They’ve turned real food into Franken-