It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1
The problem is  that    these   foods   are
supernormally stimulating in the absence of
nutrition and satiety.

They are the essence of empty calories—
foods with no brakes.


The idea of food brakes can be explained
by satiety and satiation. They sound the same,
but biologically speaking they are two
separate and distinct concepts.

Satiety occurs in your digestive tract—
specifically, in your intestines. When you’ve
digested and absorbed enough calories and
nutrients to satisfy your body’s needs,
hormones signal to your brain that “I am well
nourished now,” which decreases your desire
for more food. Satiety can’t be fooled or
faked, as it is dependent on the actual
nutrition in your food. But since digestion is

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