Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


Regrettably, PH2 lists American ginseng (P. quinquefolius) and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus
senticosus) among the trade names for oriental ginseng (Panax ginseng), and lists notoginsenosides
among the chemicals, rendering the entire PH2 entry suspect as an aggregation of many species
in two genera (PH2).

Activities (Ginseng) — Adaptogen (1; KEB; MAB; SHT; WHO); Adrenergic (1; AKT); Alter-
ative (f; CRC; DAA; PED); Analgesic (f; CRC; DAA); Antiaging (f; AKT; MAB); Antiaggregant
(1; PH2; PNC); Antialcoholic (1; KEB; MAB; PH2); Antiarrhythmic (1; KEB; PH2); Anticancer
(1; PH2); Anticatecholamine (1; PH2); Anticholinergic (1; KEB; PH2); Anticonvulsant (f; FAY);
Antidepressant (1; BGB); Antidiuretic (f; KEB); Antifatigue (1; BGB; PNC; WHO); Anti-
hepatomic (1; KEB); Antiinflammatory (1; KEB); Antiischemic (1; KEB); Antimitogenic (1;
DAA); Antioxidant (1; BGB; PH2); Antiprolactin (1; WHO); Antiprostatic (1; KEB); Antipsy-
chotic (f; FAY); Antiradiation (1; MAB; WHO); Antiseptic (f; CRC; DAA); Antithromboxane
(1; PH2); Antitumor (1; BGB; KEB; WHO); Antiulcer (1; APA; FAY); Antiwrinkle (f; MAB);
Antiviral (1; WHO); Anxiolytic (1; BGB; KEB); Aperitif (f; CRC; DAA); Aphrodisiac (1; APA;
CRC; DAA); Apoptotic (1; PH2); Bitter (f; PED); Cardiotonic (1; AKT; APA; DAA; KEB; PED);
Carminative (f; CRC; DAA); Caspase Stimulator (1; PH2); Chemopreventive (1; MAB); Circu-
lostimulant (1; PED); CNS Sedative (1; FAY; KEB; PNC); CNS Stimulant (1; KEB; PNC);
Corticotrophinogenic (1; PH2); Cytotoxic (1; PH2); Demulcent (f; CRC; DAA); Diuretic (f;
CRC; DAA); Elevates HDL-Cholesterol (1; MAB); Emetic (f; CRC); Energizer (1; APA);
Estrogenic (1; DAA; KEB; PNC); Ethanolytic (1; KEB); Expectorant (f; CRC; DAA); Fatigue
(f; APA); Gonadotropic (1; CRC; KEB); Hemopoietic (1; KEB); Hepatoprotective (1; KEB; PH2;
WHO); Hepatotonic (1; PED); Hyperglycemic (1; KEB); Hypertensive (1; PNC); Hypocholes-
terolemic (1; BGB; PH2); Hypoglycemic (1; DAA; KEB; PNC; WHO); Hypotriglyceridemic (1;
BGB; PH2); Immunostimulant (1; APA; PED; MAB; PH2; WHO); Interferonigenic (1; KEB;
PH2); Memorigenic (1; BGB; KEB); Mineralcorticoid (1; KEB); Mitogenic (1; DAA); Negative
Chronotropic (1; PH2); Negative Inotropic (1; PH2); Nervine (f; CRC; PH2); Neurotonic (f;
CRC; PH2); Nicotinic (1; PH2); NKC-Genic (1; PH2); NO-genic (1; BGB; PH2); Nootropic (1;
KEB); Osteoprotective (1; MAB); Phagocytotic (1; KEB); Positive Inotropic (1; PH2); Radio-
protective (1; BGB; FAY; HH2); Respirastimulant (f; FAY); Roborant (f; BGB); Secretagogue
(1; APA); Sedative (f; APA; DAA); Serotonilytic (1; KEB); Sialagogue (f; CRC; DAA); Sper-
matogenic (1; KEB); Stimulant (f; CRC; PNC); Stomachic (f; CRC); Testosteronigenic (1; KEB);
Thymoleptic (f; MB); Tonic (1; AKT; CRC; DAA; KOM; MAB; SHT); Tranquilizer (f; CRC;
DAA); Ulcerogenic (1; FAY); Vasodilator (1; BGB).

Indications (Ginseng) — Aging (1; CRC; DAA); Alcoholism (1; KEB; MAB; PH2); Amnesia (f;
APA; CRC; DAA); Anemia (f; AKT; CRC; FAY); Angina (f; KEB); Anorexia (f; APA; BGB; DAA;
PH2); Anxiety (1; BGB; KEB; MAB; PH2); Arrhythmia (1; DAA; KEB; PH2); Asthma (f; CRC;
DAA; KEB; MAB); Atherosclerosis (f; CRC; DAA); Bleeding (f; CRC); Bite (f; CRC); Boil (f;
CRC); Bruise (f; CRC); Cachexia (2; CRC; KOM; PH2; SHT); Cancer (1; APA; BGB; CRC; DAA;
KEB; JLH; PH2; WHO); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, lung (1; KEB); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH);
Carcinoma (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; KEB); Chemotherapy (f; AKT); Cold (f; JAD); Colitis (f;
APA); Convalescence (1; KOM; SHT; WHO); Convulsion (f; CRC; DAA; FAY; MAB); Cough (f;
CRC; WHO); Debility (2; FAY; KOM; PH2; SHT; WHO); Depression (1; BGB; KEB); Diabetes
(1; CRC; KEB; PH2; WHO); Divination (f; CRC); Dysentery (f; CRC; DAA); Dysmenorrhea (f;
CRC; DAA); Dyspepsia (f; CRC; DAA; MAB); Dyspnea (f; DAA; KEB; MAB; WHO); Enterosis
(f; CRC; DAA); Epilepsy (f; CRC; DAA); Epistaxis (f; CRC; DAA); Fatigue (2; AKT; CRC; DAA;
KOM; PH2; SHT; WHO); Fear (f; CRC; DAA); Fever (f; CRC; DAA; WHO); Flu (f; PH2); Gas
(f; CRC; DAA); Gastrosis (1; CRC; PH2; WHO); Gonadotrophy (f; DAA); Hangover (f; CRC;
DAA); Headache (f; APA; DAA); Heart (f; CRC); Hemoptysis (f; DAA; PH2); Hepatoma (1; KEB;
HH2); Hepatosis (2; WHO); High Blood Pressure (f; CRC; DAA); High Cholesterol (1; BGB;
KEB; PH2); Hyperglycemia (f; CRC; DAA); Hypoglycemia (1; KEB); Hypothermia (f; WHO);

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