Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


ALOE (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) (Gel) ++

Synonyms — A. barbadensis Mill., A. perfoliata var. vera L., A. vulgaris Lam.

The gel is used folklorically, and the dried inner leaf juice pharmaceutically as a laxative. There
is much confusion resulting from different interpretations by botanists, chemists, collectors,
herbalists, pharmaceuticists, physicians, and taxonomists. I don’t know the herbalist or taxon-
omist who can identify aloe to species by its latex or leaves alone. Here, I have tried to sort
out what I think was intended by the authors, mostly also compilers like myself, interpreting
the studies of others. Potter’s New Cyclopedia tried to straighten things out by calling the gel
“aloe vera” and the purgative powder “aloes.” Fleming (1998) aggregates it all inextricably,
dried and fresh leaf juice, whole leaves, and the gel (PHR, PH2). It’s even botched in the Bible,
according to Biblical scholars. Aloe in the Old Testament is said to be Aquilaria, while that of
the New Testament is said to be our Aloe vera.

Activities (Aloe) — Abortifacient (1; WO3); Analgesic (1; PH2); Antiaggregant (f; CRC);
Antiaging (f; WO3); Antialcoholic (1; WO3); Antibacterial (1; APA); Antidote, alcohol (1; WO3);
Antiedemic (1; CAN; WHO); Antiherpetic (1; AAB; PH2); Antihistaminic (1; APA); Antiinflam-
matory (1; AAB; CAN; PH2; WHO; WO3); Antiplaque (f; WO3); Antiprostaglandin (1; WHO);
Antiseptic (1; CRC; PH2); Antithromboxane (1; PH2; WHO); Antiulcer (1; AAB; PH2); Antiviral
(1; AAB; PH2; WO3); Antiwrinkle (f; WO3); Aperient (f; DAA; DEP); Arylamine-N-Acetyl-
transferase-Inhibitor (1; PH2); Bitter (f; PED); Cholagogue (f; CRC); Collagenic (1; PH2);
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor (1; PH2); Demulcent (1; WAM); Depurative (f; CRC); Digestive (1;
CRC; WAM); Emmenagogue (1; DAA; MPI); Emollient (1; WAM); Fungicide (1; APA; PH2);
Hemostat (1; WO3); Hypocholesterolemic (1; WO3); Hypoglycemic (1; CAN); Immunomodu-
lator (1; PH2); Insecticide (f; CRC); Larvicide (f; CRC); Laxative (1; PH2; WAM); Microcircu-
latory Stimulant (f; CAN); Mitogenic (1; WO3); Moisturizer (1; CRC); Nematicide (1; CRC);
Phagocytotic (1; CAN; PNC); Propecic (f; KAP); Radioprotective (1; MPI); Stimulant (f; CRC);
Stomachic (f; CRC; MPI); Tonic (f; MPI); Tyrosine-Kinase-Inhibitor (1; PH2); Vermifuge (1;
MPI); Vulnerary (1; CAN; WAM; WHO; WO3).

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