Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


BABY'S BREATH (Gypsophila paniculata L.) +

Activities (Baby's Breath) — Antiseptic (1; PHR); Cytotoxic (2; KOM); Depurative (f; EFS);
Diaphoretic (f; EFS); Diuretic (f; EFS); Emetic (1; PHR); Expectorant (1; EFS; PHR); Insecticide
(1; PHR); Mucoirritant (2; KOM); Sternutator (f; EFS).

Indications (Baby's Breath) — Bronchosis (2; PHR); Catarrh (2; KOM); Cough (2; PHR);
Dermatosis (f; PHR); Eczema (f; PHR); Fever (f; EFS); Infection (1; PHR); Mucososis (1; EFS;
PHR); Respirosis (2; KOM); Water Retention (1; EFS; PHR).

Dosages (Baby's Breath) — The dosage mentioned by Blumenthal et al., 30–150 mg dry root or
3–15 mg saponin, is very different than that of Gruenwald, 1.5 g/day (KOM; PHR).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Baby's Breath) — Commission E reports no
contraindications, adverse effects, or interactions except for gastric irritation (AEH). Blumenthal
et al. reports that it irritates the mucous membranes. Unlike Blumenthal et al., Gruenwald et al.
treats the more dangerous Gypsophila under the slightly less dangerous Saponaria, both well-
endowed with saponins.

BAEL, BENGAL QUINCE (Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa) ++

Synonym — Belou marmelos (L.) A. Lyons, Crateva marmelos L.

Activities (Bael) — Abortifacient (f; LMP); Alterative (f; MPI); Amebicide (1; WO2); Antiallergic
(1; WO3); Antibacterial (1; WO2); Antidote (f; DEP); Antiedemic (1; WO3); Antiinflammatory (1;
WO3); Antipyretic (f; DEP; SKJ); Antiseptic (f; SKJ); Antispasmodic (f; MPI); Antiviral (1; WO2);
Astringent (f; DEP; SKJ; WO2); Cardiodepressant (1; LMP); Cardiotonic (1; WO2); Cerebrotonic
(f; WO2); Demulcent (f; MPI); Digestive (f; SKJ; SUW; WO2); Diuretic (1; DEP; LMP); Expec-
torant (f; DEP); Fungicide (1; WO2); Hypoglycemic (1; WO2); Laxative (1; DEP; LMP; SKJ);
Parasiticide (1; WO2); Piscicide (1; SUW; WO2); Protisticide (1; WO2); Respirastimulant (1;
WO2); Schisonticide (1; WO2); Sterilant (f; LMP); Stomachic (f; SKJ; SUW; WO2); Sympatho-
mimetic (1; WO2); Vermifuge (1; WO2).

Indications (Bael) — Allergy (1; WO3); Ameba (1; WO2); Ankylostomiasis (1; MPI); Aphtha (f;
LMP); Asthma (1; WO2); Bacteria (1; WO2); Beriberi (f; WO2); Bronchosis (f; MPI); Cancer,
abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, colon (f; JLH); Cancer, nose (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; SKJ); Catarrh
(f; DEP); Colitis (1; WO3); Conjunctivosis (f; LMP; WO2); Constipation (1; DEP; LMP; PH2;
SKJ); Convulsion (f; SKJ); Cramp (f; MPI); Dermatosis (f; LMP); Diabetes (1; LMP; SKJ; WO2);
Diarrhea (f; DEP; PH2; WO2); Dropsy (f; WO2); Dysentery (f; DEP; SKJ); Dyspepsia (f; DEP);
Edema (1; WO2); Enterosis (f; DEP; JLH); Escherichia (1; WO2); Fever (f; DEP; MPI; SKJ; SUW);
Fungus (1; WO2); Gastrosis (f; SKJ); Giardia (1; WO2); Gonorrhea (f; DEP; SKJ); Hyperglycemia
(1; WO2); IBS (f; WO3); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; SKJ; WO2); Inflammation (1; LMP;
WO3); Jaundice (f; WO3); Malaria (f; DEP; SUW; WO2); Mucososis (f; DEP); Mycosis (1; WO2);

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