Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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entirely present and so is free of time, as we shall see as we move in­
ward closer to the soul.
For the moment we must be content to see the sky clearly and say
that it is blue when the sun shines. Ultimately, science tells us, the at­
mosphere is colorless, like water. Sensory perception may be flawed,
but at least clear, healthy senses will show us the wonderful variety of
color in the sky or in the waters of rivers and lakes. This knowledge is
not perfect, but it is valid. It provides a reasonable foundation. A good
nervous system will make our actions swift and sure. Healthy bodies
give strength to act; unclouded minds give stability and relief from
emotional upheavals. The awakening of intelligence will help us to
choose, decide, and initiate action. What we are witnessing is a coming
together, an integration, of the sheaths of being that we are exploring,
so that they can act in harmony and from a source that is moving ever
closer to the core.
What I am describing here is a journey from a chattering brain to
clean instinct to reach the clarity of intuition. When you start yoga, you
probably are living in your mind and emotions, a never-ending Internet
chat room. You read books and articles on what best to eat and how
to exercise, reading material that any wild animal would scorn. But
you do not know how to live, only what you desire. Instinct is dulled.
With asana and pranayama practice, first we move outward from mind
and cleanse the body, senses, and organs. Instinct is revitalized. The
newly awoken intelligence of the body moves in and tells you auto­
matically what food is good for you, when and how much to eat, when
and how to exercise, and when to rest or sleep. People forget that in
our quest for the soul, we first reclaim the pristine joys of the animal
kingdom, health and instinct, vibrant and alive. At the same time, we
arc transforming instinct into intuition. Intelligence cuts its teeth on
analysis and synthesis, reason and deduction. It becomes muscular.
And gradually the higher intelligence of intuition hegins to dawn, like
light in the sky before sunrise. Instinct is the unconscious intl'lligl'nlT

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