Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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retention of breath after exhalation opens the gap in the curtain of
time. No past, no future, no sense of passing present. Only presence.
If, in relation to the individual soul, we talked earlier of the cup being
full, full of light and being, this is the complementary opposite. The cup
is empty, no self or ego, no intention, no desire. It is timeless, divine
emptiness. And this is the fusion with the Infinite, called samadhi,
which we shall look at in the next chapter. Samadhi is an experience to
be gone through. It is not a sustainable or a livable state. We use the
word kaivalya for the state of Ultimate Freedom that follows samadhi,
a state of aloneness, which means that one has merged with the infi­
nite and can therefore never again be taken in by the appearances of
the world of diversity.
We shall see how when the cosmos breathes you, rather than the
reverse, the object has subsumed, swallowed up the subject, which is
an end to duality. The end of duality that comes from meditation is the
end of separation and the end of all conflict. The yogi stands one and

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