Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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Chapter 7

Living in Freedom

hen many of us think of freedom, we believe that it means the

pursuit of happiness. Certainly political freedom, as Gandhiji

knew, is essential, as the ability to direct our lives is essential for our

ability to reach our full potential. Economic freedom is also important,

for grinding poverty makes it difficult to think of the life of the spirit.

But equally important to political and economic freedom is spiritual

freedom. Spiritual freedom actually requires greater self-control and

the a bi I i ty to direct our lives in the right direction. This is the Ulti rna tc

l·'rccdom, which is the fusion of our individual soul with the lJn iversal

Soul, as we release our own wants and wishes for a higher purpose ;Jud

;t higher knowledge of the will of the Absolute in our lives.

'l'his final chapter on Living in Frccdorn correspond� In llu· lcu11'1 h

;111d fi nal chapter of Pataniali's great work. l ie �.-;til" 11 rhc /\ ,ui·.Jiv.t
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