Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
Chapter 2
The Physical Body (Asana)
t is here that the yogi embarks on the inward journey toward the
core of his being. Many associate yoga with a rejection of the world,
its responsibilities, and commitments, and with extreme austerity
l(·;tding even to self-mortification. But is not the greater challenge and
gn·ater fulfillment to be found living in the world with its tribulations
.utd te1nptations, and at the same time to maintain both balance and
·,(·If control in the everyday life of a householder? To be spiritual, one
1uus1 not deny or forget the body. Throughout the journey to the spir
llual goal, the body must be kept active. Yoga is as old and traditional
- '" 4.· i vi 1 iza tion, yet it persists in modern society as a means to ach icving
- ·" '-�CIII ia I vita I i ty. But yoga den1 a nds that we develop not on I y st rcngth