Chapter 3
The Energy Body (Prana)
veryone desires more life energy. If energy could be packaged and
�sold in a shop, it would be the most successful business ever.
Merely talking about energy excites and energizes people. Where can
we get it, people want to know. Well, not in packets and not in shops
because it is, first, everywhere and, second, free of charge.
We give many names to God, even though He is One. The same is
true of energy. There is nuclear energy, electrical energy, muscular en
ergy, and mental energy. All of these are vital energy or life energy,
l:alled in Sanskrit, pranic energy or simply prana. Prana is called C:hi
in C�hina and Ki in japan. Some suggest that the nearest traditional
l:onccpt of prana in the West is the Holy Spirit of Christianity, a sa�:rt•d