Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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lap of the soul. Retention after inhalation is the fulfillment of the indi­
vidual's potential for divinity. This "cup that is full" rises to merge with
universal energy. Exhalation and retention empty the cup of personal
potential for divinity in an act of surrender to the cosmic force. This
noble act of self-abnegation merges the yogi's identity totally with his
divine origin. In this sense, for me, pranayama acts as the bhakti ma'fl!a,
which is the great yogic path of devotion, love, and self-surrender. His­
tory records that there have been a few individuals who could achieve
this leap into an ego-less state by one peerless act of self-renunciation.
However, I am sure that in a modern context, when society encourages
from infancy the development of the egoic personality, such a transi­
tion is impossible without a long, arduous apprenticeship through the
living prayer of pranayama.
It is said in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika that the senses are governed
by the mind, the mind is governed by the breath, and the breath is gov­
erned by the nerves. Our senses inform our mind and give us informa­
tion about the world around us, but our senses can also control our
mind and control us if we are not careful. The yogi learns to use the
mind to govern his senses, and he uses his breath to govern the mind.
Yet our mind and breath are not always calm and in control. Indeed,
they often become agitated as we experience the stresses and strains of
life. Indeed, it is this stress that often cuts our breathing short, as our
abdomen constricts from anxiousness. This stress stops our breathing
and saps our life energy.


While there has always been stress in the getting and spending of life,
today we suffer from so much culturally and personally created stress.
The "rat race" has created much unnecessary tension both within and
around us. Because of this fast life, we are neglecting the body and lhl'
mind. The body and mind are beginning to pull each other in opposill'

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