Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1


Emotions: Riding Life’s

Roller Coaster



True or False

  1. TFThe pleasant-unpleasant aspect of emotions is associated with the point
    of view, proposed by the philosopher Aristotle, known as hedonism.

  2. TFThe James-Lange theory proposes that feelings cause our actions.

  3. TFChronic stress appears to have no long-run effect on general health.

  4. TFType A behavior is associated with heart attacks and cardiovascular dis-

  5. TFAn approach-approach conflict exists when an individual perceives the
    same goal in both positive and negative terms.

(Answers can be found on page 118.)

The story of motivation does not begin and end with the motives discussed in
chapter 7. Emotions are also part of the story of motivation. The very word
emotioncontains “motion” in it. (Whenever we act we are, so to speak,
in motion.) In this chapter you will find out how emotions can double as
motives and also the way in which emotions add color and dimension to life.
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