Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
Abnormal Psychology: Exploring Mental Disorders 217

Generalized anxiety disorderis characterized by vague feelings of appre-
hension. This is called free-floating anxiety.There are psychological storm
clouds for no apparent reason, and there is chronic worrythat goes on and on
seemingly without end. The anxiety, or worry, seems to follow the person any-
where and everywhere without rhyme or reason. The victim feels powerless to
escape from the anxiety.

(a) What disorders are characterized by a core of irrational fear?

(b) Associated with generalized anxiety disorder, vague feelings of apprehension are
called anxiety.
Answers: (a) Anxiety disorders; (b) free-floating.

Phobic disordersare characterized by feelings of apprehension with a rela-
tively definable source. The principal kinds of phobic disorders are (1) specific
phobias, (2) social phobia, and (3) agoraphobia. Specific phobiasinvolve the fear
of an object or situation. A fear of animals is called zoophobia;a fear of heights
is called acrophobia;and a fear of confined places is called claustrophobia.
Social phobiais characterized by a fear of the opinions of other people. The
victim does not want to be judged or overly visible. This phobia often manifests itself
as pathological shyness,shyness that is so severe that it interferes with daily living.
Agoraphobiais characterized by a fear of leaving the home or a familiar ter-
ritory. A person who will not venture out of the house has a severe case of agora-
phobia. A person who is afraid to travel more than five or ten miles out of a small
town has a moderate case of agoraphobia.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by ideas that
induce anxiety, and rituals that in turn reduce that anxiety. For example, Abra-
ham, a man who has no history of heart disease, may think, “Today I will die of a
heart attack.” Then he decides that if he mentally recites the word abracadabra
three times, the feared event won’t happen. Eventually he becomes psychologi-
cally addicted to the ritual, and it becomes a behavioral pattern that he finds dif-
ficult to give up.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)is characterized by anxiety and
related symptoms following a genuinely threatening experience. A person lives
through an awful earthquake, a devastating fire, military combat, a rape, or other
extremely upsetting event. This is followed by such symptoms as general fearful-
ness, nightmares, depression, an inability to relax, and so forth.

(a) phobias involve the fear of an object or situation.

(b) is characterized by a fear of leaving the home or a familiar territory.

(c) is characterized by ideas that induce anxiety, and rituals that in turn
reduce that anxiety.
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