Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
Abnormal Psychology: Exploring Mental Disorders 223

they can attract followers. Julius says that he is a visitor to the Earth from an alien
world and has come to spread a message of peace. He has written pamphlets and
a history of his world, and he has drawn detailed interstellar maps. Everything he
says fits together. The points he makes are consistent. If his initial premise is
granted, that he is an alien, then he seems to be rational.

(a) What is an older name for the disorganized type of schizophrenia?

(b) What disorder, not a kind of schizophrenia, is characterized by an organized, systematic
delusional system?
Answers: (a) Hebephrenic schizophrenia; (b) Delusional disorder.

The Personality Disorders: Making Others Suffer

Personality disordersare characterized by maladaptive behavioral traits. The
individual’s persistent way of coping with the world is, in the long run, ineffective
and self-defeating. It is important to understand that a personality disorder does
not, on the surface, appear to be any kind of mental illness. The individual is not
necessarily suffering from chronic anxiety or depression. Also, the individual is
not psychotic. Often, there is not a great deal of personal suffering associated with
these disorders. There is sometimes a tendency for the individual with a personal-
ity disorder to inflict suffering on others.
Three kinds of personality disorders will be identified: (1) narcissistic, (2)
antisocial, and (3) obsessive-compulsive. Anarcissistic personality disorder
is characterized by self-absorption. The individual is in love with himself or
herself. Such people are described as vain and selfish. They are often overly
preoccupied with their appearance. They tend to be cold and lacking in

(a) What disorders are characterized by maladaptive behavioral traits?

(b) What disorder is characterized by self-absorption?

Answers: (a) Personality disorders; (b) Narcissistic personality disorder.

The antisocial personality disorderis characterized by a lack of guilt feel-
ings. People with this disorder can lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate others without
remorse. The word antisocialdoesn’t mean they are unfriendly. Often, they have a
superficial charm. They are antisocial in the sense that they refuse to conform to
society’s conventions, to its standards and norms of behavior.
The obsessive-compulsive personality disorderis characterized by per-
fectionism. People with this disorder want order in the environment. Everything
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