Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
self-destructive behavior, abnormal
behavior, 214
self-esteem, hierarchy of needs, 100
self-induced stress, 114
self-realization, collective uncon-
scious, personality theory,
Selye, Hans, 41, 112–114
semicircular canals, balance, 54
sensation, 45–56
balance, 53–54
cerebral cortex, 37
hearing, 49–51
importance of, 46
kinesthesis (proprioception), 53
smell, 52–53
structuralism, 4–5
taste, 51
touch, 51–52
vision, 47–49
sensorimotor stage, cognitive devel-
opment, 164
sensory deprivation, general drives,
sensory neurons, function of, 33
serotonin, 9, 32
sexual aversion disorder, sexual dys-
function, 180
sexual dysfunctions
female, 178–179
hypoactive sexual desire disorder,
loss of libido, 180
male, 179–180
sexuality, 174–190
biological drives, 92–93, 175
intimacy, 185–187
male sexual dysfunction, 179–180
mood, 175
psychosexual development,
sexual dysfunctions, 178–180 (See
alsosexual dysfunctions)
sexual response cycle, 175–177
sexual variance, 181–184
survey method, 22
unconscious motivation, 98
shadows, depth perception, 66
shame versus autonomy, psychosocial
development, 161

Sheldon, William H., 194
shell shock, group therapy, 240
short-term memory, 85
shyness, pathological, anxiety disor-
ders, 217
sign, mental disorder classification,
similarity, perception, 60
Simon, Theodore, 140
sixteen personality factor theory,
size constancy, perception, 64
skin, touch sensation, 51–52
Skinner, B. F., 7, 77–78, 81, 203,
Skinner box, 78
sleep, biological drives, 92–93
slips of the tongue, psychodynamic
therapy, 233–234
sluggishness, phlegmatic personality,
smell, sensation, 52–53
social attitudes
change of, persuasion, 252–254
social psychology, 251–252
social behavior, 248
social dyad, interpersonal attraction,
social environment, intelligence,
social influence, social psychology,
social introversion, Minnesota Multi-
phasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI), 208
social learning theory, 82
social motives, 95–97
social phobia, anxiety disorders, 217
social psychology, 247–261
attitudes, 251–252
cognitive dissonance theory,
conformity, 254–257
defined, 248
interpersonal attraction, 249–251
persuasion, 252–254
Social Readjustment Rating Scale
(SRRS), 114
social world, 160–163, 248
society, sociocultural viewpoint, 11

sociocultural viewpoint
abnormal behavior, 226
behavior, 11
Socrates, 2
sodomy, sexual variance, 183
soma, defined, 35
somatic nervous system, function of,
34, 35
somatization disorder, 218
somatoform disorder
abnormal psychology, 218–219
conversion type, psychoanalysis, 8
somatotype, personality theory, 194
Sophocles, 159
emotion, 108
psychology definition, 2–3
sound wave, hearing, 50
sour taste, 51
Spearman, Charles, 138–139
specific mental abilities (s), intelli-
gence, 138
specific phobias, anxiety disorders,
spectrum, vision, 47–48
sperm, reproductive biology, 155
spermatozoon, reproductive biology,
spicy smell, 53
spinal cord, function of, 35–36
stage of exhaustion, 113
stage of resistance, 113
stamping in, trial-and-error learning,
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale,
140–141, 142, 147
stapes, hearing, 50
correlational method, 23–25
experimental method, 25–27
intelligence testing, 143–145
Stern, William, 143–144
stimulation, change of, curiosity
drive, 94
stimulus generalization, learning,
stimulus-rich environment, intelli-
gence, 149
stoicism, 238
storage, memory, 85

274 Index

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