The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Tiffany:    “Why    you laughing?   ͳis shit’s  not funny!  My
life fucking sucks!”

She’d stop and compose herself. But pretty soon, she’d be
laughing again.

Therapist:   “Tiĉany,    what    do  you     love    to  do?     What
makes you happy?”

Tiffany:    “I  like    teeth.  Maybe   I   should  just    be  a   dentist,
because I really love teeth. I really like the way teeth
look, but I don’t want to hurt anybody, so maybe I
could just be the dental assistant.”

She laughed at  that,   too.

Therapist:  “Have   you ever    thought about   comedy?”

Tiffany:     “It’s   funny   you     say     that.   I   like    seeing  people
smile, hearing laughter. ͳat makes me happy. You
know, I used to do comedy, in high school.”

Remember when I went to Laugh Factory Comedy
Camp? And how great that was? And remember how I had
stopped doing comedy when I had got kicked out of my
grandma’s house at eighteen? I stopped doing comedy
because it wasn’t paying anything. Right? I told her all about
that. About how great it was for me, and why I quit.

Therapist:   “Well,  maybe   you     should  start   doing   that
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