The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I threw a vicious right hand and punched him in the eye.
ͳat staggered him more, I guess he didn’t expect me to
fight back.
I grabbed the mrst thing I could mnd, which was some pet
spray—stuĉ for the carpet, for pets, you know? I sprayed
that in his face. Apparently, that shit don’t feel good,
because he started covering his eyes and screaming.
I didn’t stick around after that, I just wanted to get the
fuck out the house.
But as I was running, somehow he caught me and tackled
me and sat on me. He closed the door and just sat on me.
He sat on me for about forty-mve minutes, until I was just
not moving or whatever.
He sat on me so long, because I kept mghting. I’d be still
for a second, and just like bam, you know, nip out and try to
get up out of there.

Ex-Husband:  “You    need    to  listen  to  me.     You’re
disrespectful. You’re ornery.”

Tiffany:     “But    you     picked  me.     You     married     me.     You
came looking for me. I didn’t come looking for you. If
you don’t like who I am, why the fuck you here? Let
me up, and I’ll go.”

Ex-Husband: “Just   shut    the fuck    up.”

But I wouldn’t shut up. ͳat ain’t my thing, shutting up.
He sat on me and lectured me, telling me how fucked up I

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