The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
have    been    so  great   if  you would   have    been    there.”

I was all smiling and happy. He just lifted me up oĉ the
ground by my throat.

Ex-Husband:  “Don’t  be  standing    here    lying   to  me,
smiling in my face, telling me you were dancing with
some bitches, you a motherfucking liar.”

Tiffany:    “I’m    not a   liar,   you can look    on  Facebook.   ͳe
pictures are on Facebook.”

He was choking the shit out of me, my eyes like went red,
and I was just looking at him. I didn’t try to hit him back or
nothing. I was just like . . . I couldn’t believe it. I thought to
myself, ͷis is how I’m going to die. I’m going to die, because I
was having fun with my classmates. ͳat’s what I was
Then he just dropped me.

Ex-Husband:  “Anytime    you     just    change  your    mind
about what you’re going to do, when you get
sidetracked, you call me and you tell me where the
fuck you at, because I need to know. It is my job to
protect you, and you have to tell me where you at, and
what the fuck you’re doing, because I have to protect
you. It’s my job as your husband to protect you.”

Tiffany:    “But    I   was safe.   I   felt    safe.   I   didn’t  need    you.    I
don’t need you to protect me.”
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