First, I have to thank Tiffany.
I’ve turned down every other celeb who asked me to
cowrite their book, but I took on this book because I
believed Tiffany would do something no one else would do.
She promised me she would lay it all out there . . . and
she did.
ͳis book is deep and so real in a way that very few
other books are. She’s created something special. I’m proud
of her and proud to have worked on it.
ͳe other group I have to thank is my team at Book in a
Box. I cofounded a company that helps people write and
publish their books, and though I am the name behind it,
they do most of the work and deserve the props. Without
them, this doesn’t happen.
If you like this book, the credit goes to Tiĉany, and to my
team. Enjoy.