The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

stuff. He said I shouldn’t do bathroom humor.
When he said I was too pretty to do bathroom humor, at
mrst I was nattered. ͳat was the mrst time a man told me I
was pretty. Come to think of it later, that might have been a
little creepy. But I think he was just trying to be nice, so it’s
Being in that comedy camp was the mrst time I felt safe. I
didn’t think anything bad was gonna happen. ͳat was
maybe my favorite part about Laugh Factory Comedy
By that point, I had lived in a few foster places and knew
a few things. If a grown man tells you that you pretty, he’s
gonna be trying to touch on you soon, and all kinds of
terrible stuff is gonna happen.
But at comedy camp, that man told me I’m pretty, but I
didn’t feel like it was dangerous. He cared about me and
was saying a nice thing. He was trying to help me.
My biggest innuence was probably Richard Pryor. He
came in there, and I’m telling my jokes, and he stopped me
in the middle of telling my jokes:

Richard:    “Stop,  stop,   stop.   What    are you doing?”

Tiffany:    “I’m    telling a   joke.”

Richard:    “No,    you’re  not.”

Tiffany:    “Yes,   I   am.”
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