The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
It  was my  mama.

Mama:   “Let    me  in  the house.  Let me  in  the house.”

Tiffany:    “I’m    not letting you in  this    house.”

Mama:    “It’s   my  mama’s  house.  You     let     me  in  the
goddam house!”

Tiffany:    “I’m    not letting you in  this    house,  Mom.    Like,
you need to go somewhere. Go to Grandma’s house,
but I’m not letting you in this house.”

Mama:   “This   is  my  mama’s  house!  She own it!”

Tiffany:    “I’m    not letting you in. I’m about   to  go. I   gotta
go to an event, anyways.”

I   walked  out the house   with    my  short   little  skirt   on.

Mama:    “Where  do  you     think   you’re  going   with    that
short-ass skirt? You trying to get pregnant out here?
You out here being a prostitute?”

Tiffany:    “No Ma, I   was just    going   to  an  event,  so  leave
me alone. Just leave me alone.”

She had this long rearview mirror in her hand.
Remember in the eighties, when they had them long,
detachable rearview mirrors that had the smaller individual

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