The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

Titus the Boyfriend

I’ve had some messed up relationships, but none were

more fucked up than my time with Titus.
I met him in 2001, when I was coming back to LA from
Daytona Beach. My friend Shamona and I had gone to the
Black College Reunion, which was the new name for
Freaknik (if you’re young, you probably don’t know what
Freaknik is, and I’m not even sure if you can YouTube that
shit, it was that long ago. So go ask some old person, and
they’ll tell you all about it).
I was waiting at the gate to board, and I looked at this
guy who was watching a video with his homeboy. ͳey had
one of them old school handheld video cameras (this was
before iPhones), and they were hunched together watching
the tiny screen. I looked over their shoulders to watch, too.
ͳe video was basically a black Girls Gone Wild. It was
chicks shaking they asses and twerking, and the guys were
smacking asses and grabbing booties, and all this stuff.

Tiffany:     “Ooh,   you     guys    had     a   good    time,   huh?    Y’all
had a blast.”
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