we were ready to break up, and I told him I wouldn’t be
seeing him for a week.
And now Titus wants to go on the cruise, too.
Titus: “Oh, you not going on a cruise, hell no.”
Tiffany: “Oh I paid, I’m going on a cruise.”
Titus: “No, y’all finna be on there hoeing.”
Tiffany: “Are you crazy? I’m not hoeing with my
auntie, she’s twice my age.”
He was really passionate about this idea that I was going
on this cruise to get wild and hook up with a bunch of men.
Yeah I know, he’s projecting shit on me that he is doing
behind my back. I can see that now, but I did not see it then.
ͳe problem was that he didn’t have any money to pay
for the cruise. So, he got his mama to give him the money to
get a ticket.
And get this: motherfucker comes on the boat with $50
in his wallet. For the whole weeklong cruise. ͳe whole
week with fifty bucks? Like, really?
ͳe whole trip, he was just awful. Everywhere I went, if a
man talked to me, Titus was all up in my business.
Titus: “Oh, you tryna holler at that dude? ͳat man
tryna get with you?”
It didn’t matter if I was talking a ninety-year-old in a