Tiffany: “Yeah, we don’t have no stress no more.
There’s no stress. We got a second chance.”
Titus: “ͳat’s all right. I’m going to just get you
pregnant again in two months. You’re just going to be
pregnant again.”
Little did he know, I had gotten a Depo shot when I was
in there. I didn’t even tell him. ͳis man was not trapping
me again.
ͳings actually got cool again for a few weeks. It seemed
to be getting better. He’s not disappearing. ͳen my
birthday came up, and he said he needed my car, because he
was going to an interview.
Tiffany: “Okay. But it’s my birthday.”
Titus: “Yeah, I’m going to take you over to my
grandma’s house, use your car, go to my interview. I’m
going to come back, and we’re going to go out.”
He didn’t come back until the next day.
Tiffany: “Yo, what happened? No call, no nothing?
Where were you?”
Titus: “I had got caught up in some stuĉ, but it’s all
good. I’m going to take you out today.”
Tiffany: “I got to go to work. ͳis is so stupid. I don’t