Pass the Hat Handout
Suppose you are concerned with packaging and marketing water in plastic bottles. Your
group lists five attributes of this product:
- The bottle has a screw-on cap.
- The water is perceived as being pure and free from contamination.
- The bottle can easily be recycled.
- Different flavors will enhance the taste of the water.
- The bottle is unbreakable and lighter than a glass bottle.
You place this list in a hat and pass it to the next group. This group examines the list
and generates the following ideas:
- Design a novelty bottle shaped like a water faucet.
- Stress product purity in advertisements and label designs.
- Demonstrate environmental awareness by providing recycling instructions on the
label. - Use different colors of plastic that match different flavors.
- Package water in bottles shaped like the fruit used to flavor the water.
- Advertise by dropping plastic and glass bottles on a hard surface.
Brainstorming with Related Stimuli 271
101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving.Copyright © 2005 by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Reproduced by permission of Pfeiffer, an Imprint of Wiley.
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