75. Grab Bag Forced Association
This activity is similar to Tickler Things [21], except Hall (1994) modified it for groups
instead of individuals. It is especially effective for people who respond well to tangible
stimuli and are good at visual thinking.
- To help participants generate as many creative ideas as possible
- To help participants learn how to use the activities to generate ideas
Small groups of four to seven people each
Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
- For each group: markers, two flip charts, and masking tape for posting flip-chart
sheets - For each participant: one sheet each of three different colors of sticking dots
(^1 ⁄ 2 ” diameter) and one pad of 4 x 6 Post-it®Notes - For each group: one grocery sack containing various small items and toys such as lit-
tle cars, funny glasses, balloons, corks, spinning tops, buttons, squirt guns, novelty
items, and so forth (Novelty and toy stores are excellent sources for these items)
30 minutes
Related Activities
- Idea Shopping [14]
- Tickler Things [21]
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