Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs: How to Be Great in Front of Audience

(Ann) #1


A YouTube user posted a five-minute clip showing dozens of
Jobs “bloopers.”^4 The number of things that have gone wrong
is surprising given the level of extraordinarily detailed practice
that goes into a Steve Jobs keynote. This blooper reel proves that
even the best-laid plans go awry from time to time: a slide may
not advance, a wrong slide may come up, and a demo may not
work. These things happen to even the best-prepared presenter,
and they can, and probably will, happen to you at some point.
The difference between mediocre presenters and a true mas-
ter such as Jobs is that when demonstrations do not turn out as
planned, Jobs reacts with a cool confidence. The audience sees a
showman in complete control of his material. If something fails
to work, Jobs does not dwell on it or call undue attention to the

Figure 18.1 Jobs demonstrates a prank he and Apple cofounder
Steve Wozniak would pull on unsuspecting college students.
David Paul Morris/Getty Images
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