man envoy, Rudolf Nadolny.* His citation reads, 'To A. E. for his services
to theoretical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the pho-
toelectric effect.'
1923 February 2. On his way back from Japan, E. arrives in Palestine for a
twelve-day visit. On February 8 he is named the first honorary citigen of
Tel Aviv. On his way from Palestine to Germany, he visits Spain.
March. Disillusioned with the effectiveness but not with the purposes of
the League of Nations, E. resigns from the GIG.
June-July. E. helps found the Association of Friends of the New Russia
and becomes a member of its executive committee.**
July. E. gives a lecture on relativity in Goteborg in acknowledgment of
his Nobel prize.
The discovery of the Compton effect ends the long-standing resistance to
the photon concept.
December. For the first time in a scientific article, E. presents his conjec-
ture that quantum effects may arise from overconstrained general relativistic
field equations.
1924 As an act of solidarity, E. joins the Berlin Jewish community as a dues-
paying member.
E. edits the first collection of scientific papers of the Physics Department
of the Hebrew University.
The 'Einstein-Institute' in Potsdam, housed in the 'Einstein-Tower,'
starts its activities. Its main instrument is the 'Einstein-Telescope.'
Use E. marries Rudolf Kayser.
June. E. reconsiders and rejoins the CIC.
June 7. E. states that he does not object to the opinion of the German
Ministry of Culture that his appointment to the Prussian Academy implies
that he has acquired Prussian citizenship. (He retains his Swiss citizenship.)
December. E.'s last major discovery: from the analysis of statistical fluc-
tuations he arrives at an independent argument for the association of waves
with matter. Bose-E. condensation is also discovered by him at that time.
1925 May-June. Journey to South America. Visits to Buenos Aires, Rio de
Janeiro, and Montevideo.
E. signs (with Gandhi and others) a manifesto against obligatory military
E. receives the Copley medal.
E. serves on the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University (until June
1926 E. receives the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
1927 May 7. Hans Albert E. marries Frida Knecht in Dortmund.
October. The fifth Solvay Conference. Beginning of the dialogue between
E. and Bohr on the foundations of quantum mechanics.
*The prize was brought to E.'s home by the Swedish Ambassador after E. returned from Japan.
**E. never visited the Soviet Union. The association was disbanded in 1933.