One Hand Rising Standing Pose of the Heavenly Spirits
Eka Hasta Utthita Stiti Valakhilyasana
(EY-kuh HUH-stuh UT-ti-tuh STI-ti vah-luh-khil-YAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Eka Hasta Utthita Nindra Valakhilyasana; Son of Anjani (Lord Hanuman) Lunge
Pose (Anjaneyasana)
Modification: grabbing the back ankle overhead on the same side, other hand to the floor, back knee
off the floor
Pose Type: standing, backbend
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)
Rising Standing Pose of the Heavenly Spirits
Utthita Stiti Valakhilyasana
(UT-ti-tuh STI-ti vah-luh-khil-YAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Utthita Nindra Valakhilyasana; Son of Anjani (Lord Hanuman) Lunge Pose
Modification: grabbing the back ankle overhead with both hands, back knee off the floor
Pose Type: standing, backbend
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)