Intense Wrist Stretch Half Bound^
Fierce Pose
Uttana Manibandha Ardha Baddha Utkatasana
(ut-TAH-nuh muh-ni-BUHN-duh UHR-duh OOT-kuh-TAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Intense Wrist Stretch Half Bound Chair Pose
Pose Type: standing, forward bend, binding
Drishti Point: Hastagrai or Hastagrahe (hands)
How to Perform the Pose:
- Begin by standing in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Engage your mula bandha, uddhiyana bandha,
and ujjayi breathing.
- Exhale, bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and drop both your hands to the
floor. Rest your torso on top of your thighs.
- Inhale as you externally rotate your right arm to point the fingertips of your right hand toward your
- On your next inhale, bring your left arm behind your back and your left hand to the inside of your
right thigh. Try to seal the gap between your ribcage and your elbow.
- Hold the pose for at least 30, and up to 90, seconds in order to receive the full benefits of the
- Exhale as you release your left arm and bring your left hand to the floor. Repeat on the right side.
Modification: hand to the floor, fingertips pointing toward the toes
ut = intense
tan = to stretch, to extend
manibandha = wrist
ardha = half
baddha = bound
utkata = fierce