Sundial Pose 3
Surya Yantrasana 3
(SOOR-yuh yuhn-TRAHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: foot turned to the back
Pose Type: seated, twist
Drishti Point: Urdhva or Antara Drishti (up to the sky)
Revolved Heron Pose
Parivritta Krounchasana
(puh-ri-VRIT-tuh crown-CHAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Revolved Sundial Pose 3 (Parivritta Surya Yantrasana 3)
Pose Type: seated, forward bend, twist
Drishti Point: Parshva Drishti (to the right), Parshva Drishti (to the left)