(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

Understanding general

Are there any parts in the episode you did not understand?
All the general questions are answered in a general class discussion.
Importance of the Oceans:
Problems they face:
Possible solutions
Step 2:
Going deeper into the
problem: link to the
Biology classes
The students sit in groups of 3 and go through the worksheet (Doc. 1) and
do exercises I A, B and C. In exercise A, they are allowed to use the
computer to do some research.
The worksheet is the corrected in class through the students’ answers
60 - 75 Groupwork: students exchange
ideas and complete their
answers. All the answers are
made available
Step 3:
Students as problem
Then the final question leads to a new one: “What can WE, here in class,
do to help prevent a major catastrophe?”
75 - 85 the most important ideas that
come from this question’s
brainstorming are listed
Step 4:
Students raising
awareness through
the creation of
The students are shown examples of infographics worksheet (Doc. 1) and
short films (, ) and are asked to
create their own to raise the awareness of their younger colleagues to the
problems of the oceans and how they can contribute to help saving them.
85 - 100 Each group makes a scheme of
his infographic/short film and
deadlines are set.



1 - The class is going to have sessions with the Arts teachers where they
learn how to design infographics using simple opensource
programmes and how to create short films using the stop motion
2 - The short films or the infographics will be shown in class and
explained as a formal speaking activity which will afterwards be taken
to other classes here at school with the aim of raising awareness to
the plastic problem.

1 - These sessions are open
to those who are
interested in expanding
their skills every
Wednesday afternoon
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