Yoga Girl

(WallPaper) #1

Twists, Hips, and Hamstrings

Certain areas of our bodies tend to become very stiff after a

long night’s sleep or a day at the office, or simply from the

repetitive movement of day-to-day living. I love working with

twists, hip openers, and poses that stretch the back of the legs.

I usually move through these stretches in the morning after my

Sun Salutations or in the evening before I go to bed. When

you’ve opened up and softened the body with these exercises,

you’ll feel so much more relaxed!

Twists are very cleansing; you are wringing out the spine in

the same way you wring out a wet towel. Always move into

twists gently, distributing the twisting action evenly

throughout the spine, listening to the body. Start softly and

deepen when it’s appropriate. A good rule of thumb is to only

twist to the point where you can maintain a deep and full

breath. If your breathing feels restricted, back off slightly and

return to the breath.

When it comes to the hip openers, let your body guide you

and go only as deep as you feel comfortable. You never want

pain or sharp sensation, and you want to make sure your knees

are comfortable throughout. We usually hold a lot of tension

and tightness in the hips, so if this is a part of the body that

you know you need to work on, spend some extra time with

these poses!

Ļe hamstrings need the right kind of stretch—you want to

feel the sensation in the belly of the muscle, never in the

muscle attachments. Keep your feet active and use a yoga strap

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