You Are a Badass

(Tuis.) #1

receive a warm hug, and an, “Oh, you
shouldn’t have,” in return, but they don’t
knock it out of the park. For example,
they get a job doing something that they
either hate or that’s a bit of a yawn but
is, you know, okay. It affords them a life
that covers the basics as long as they
don’t go too crazy. They do fun stuff but
not as much as they’d like because they
don’t have the money. Or the time. Or the
belief that they deserve to. They have
little victories here and there, they meet
their sales quota and win the six-day
cruise to the Bahamas or rack up enough
miles to go stay with their aunt and see
the Olympics or finally sit down and
write an entire song that they may or may

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