SQ from fossil-fuel burning off-gas was first controlled by trapping as calcium sulfate
in a lime-limestone mixture. This mixture was produced by calcining limestone and
injecting lime into the scrubber and adding limestone to the boiler. Although the SO2
was absorbed as CaSO3 and CaSO4, the lime-limestone absorbing material created a
solid waste disposal problem of staggering proportions.
Flue-gas desulfurization methods that trap SO2 as sulfite instead of sulfate allow
regeneration of the absorbing material, and thus mitigate the solid waste disposal
problem. A typical method is single-alkali scrubbing, for which the reactions are
so2 recovery
The concentrated SO2 that is recovered from this process can be used industrially in
pulp and paper manufacture and sulfuric acid manufacture. Figure 20-16 is a diagram
for single-alkali scrubbing.
A modification of this system that is both more efficient and less wasteful is
double-alkali scrubbing, in which a primary scrubbing cycle dissolves the SO2 in a
sodium hydroxide solution, forming sodium bisulfite by the reaction
. - ------ - - - - -
SO2 + NaOH + NaHSO3.
- Evaporator Na2S03 (s) Makeup Na2S03
Addition of lime in the second step regenerates the NaOH and produces calcium
Flue __. gas
tank -
soh. vvv
7 tank
Figure 20-16. Simplified diagram for single-alkali scrubbing of flue gas with