List of Symbols 459
total head, m or ft (Chap. 5)
ShannonAVeaver diversity index
total head loss through a filter, m or ft
Hertz, cycles/s
geometric stack elevation, m
fraction of BOD not removed in the primary clarifier
depth of landfill, m
net discharge head, m or ft
head loss, m or ft
head loss in the ith layer of media at time t
net static suction head, m or ft
fraction of BOD not removed in the biological treatment step
rainfall intensity, in./h
initial BOD of sample, mg/L
initial BOD of seeded dilution water, mg/L
fractions of solids not destroyed in digestion
Pielov’s equitability index
soil erodibility factor, ton/acreiR unit
proportionality constant for minor losses, dimensionless
coefficient of permeability, m3/day or gdday
fraction of atoms that disintegrate per second = 0.693/tlp
fraction of influent SS removed in the primary clarifier
saturation constant, in mg/L
deoxygenation constant, (log,) s-l
reoxygenation constant, (log,) s-l
depth of filter, m or ft (Chap. 6)
length, m or ft
topographic factor (dimensionless ratio)
ultimate carbonaceous oxygen demand, in mg/L
length of cylinder in a cyclone, in m
length of cone in a cyclone, in m
feed particle size, 80% finer than, pm
ultimate BOD upstream from wastewater discharge, mg/L
product size, 80% finer than, p,m
ultimate BOD in wastewater effluent, mgL
x percent of the time stated sound level (L) was exceeded,
lowest achievable emission rate
latent cancer fatalities