Introduction: “Walking the Park,” by Jacob DeBailey.
Chapter 1: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 2: From the Mars Desert Research Station, The Mars Society.
Chapter 3: Lucas Foglia/originally appeared in National Geographic, January, 2016.
Chapter 4: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 5: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 6: From the Eyes as Big as Plates series by Riita Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth.
Chapter 7: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 8: McAteer Photography for the Crawick Artland Trust.
Chapter 9: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 10: Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh seated in the heart of Lodore Canyon on the
Colorado River, photographed by John Hillers while part of the second Powell
Survey, 1872, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration record 8464436,
War Department. Office of the Chief of Engineers.
Chapter 11: Lucas Foglia.
Chapter 12: Lucas Foglia.