The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

church where I was pastoring at that time who could
pray Heaven and earth together. They got answers to
their prayers!
About ten days after we began praying, the
authorities said this insane woman could come home.
They sent a letter to her family saying she was no
longer violent, but that she would always need
institutional care. Her general health, however, had
deteriorated, and the authorities felt that if the change
in environment didn't help her, she probably wouldn't
live much longer.
Now here's a minister of the gospel who had gone
insane! Imagine that! People just said, "Oh, the poor
dear. Something happened to her, but we don't know
what it was." But we need to understand what can
happen to people, and how Christians can open a door
to the devil and give him access in their minds and
That's one reason believers need to know how
important it is for them to renew their minds with the
Word of God and to think God's thoughts instead of
thinking on the enemy's thoughts of worry and fear. If
they think the wrong thoughts, they can unknowingly
open a door to the devil. Believers are not subject to the
devil; they have authority over him in Jesus' Name.
They can resist him, and they are not under his
dominion in any way, unless they allow him to take
dominion over them.
This Full Gospel minister was not subject to the
devil either. She didn't have to give place to Satan in
her thinking. If she would have stood her ground
against worry and oppression with the Word of God and
kept her mind renewed, Satan wouldn't have had access
to her mind. If she had rebuked Satan's oppression and

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