The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Distinguishing the Difference Between Oppression, Obsession,
and Possession

That's where we miss it sometimes. I knew that the
command of faith had been spoken by the direction and
unction of the Holy Spirit and that the woman was set
free. You see, when the gift of faith is in operation, the
Holy Ghost gives you faith to do whatever He says to do
and it will always work.
When it comes to dealing with devils in other
people's lives, such as in this woman's situation where
she was unable to give her consent or cooperation, you
must be led by the Holy Spirit in what to do. If the Holy
Spirit doesn't tell you to do something, then you're just
doing it on your own, and you'll fall flat on your face.
However, if people ask you for help and give their
permission, then you can exercise authority over the
devil in their lives in the Name of Jesus (Mark 16:17).
Once a person is delivered, you need to teach him
how to stand against the devil for himself. Of course, in
dealing with the devil in your own life, you don't need
someone else to rebuke the devil for you. If you are
submitted to God, you have authority over the devil to
resist him, stand against him, rebuke him, and he has
to flee (Luke 9:1; Eph. 6:13; James 4:7).
This woman was set free by the command of faith on
a Saturday. On the following Monday afternoon, the
sister returned and said to us, "Please pray. My sister is
having a violent attack just like she had when she first
lost her mind." I said, "What of it?" It absolutely
astounded me how calm I was. I knew exactly what was
happening. I'd told that demon on Saturday afternoon
he had to leave, and he knew he had to go. He was just
rending or "tearing" this woman as he departed.
I explained this to the sister and showed her the

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