The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

anything you could mention. When I'd talk to him about
the Lord, he'd just weep and shake and tremble under
conviction. I kept praying for him and talking to him on
different occasions over a fifteen-year period, trying to
get him back to the Lord.
The last time I talked to this man, he said, "I know
everything you're saying is true, all right. But I'm not
going to do anything about it." Then he added, "But
don't give up on me. Keep on praying for me." So I kept
praying for him. I remember one particular night, I was
on my knees praying for him in the nighttime, and the
Lord spoke to me. He said, "Get up from there!" It was
so real, it startled me. So I got up. The Lord said, "Don't
pray for him."
"But, Lord," I said, "he told me that he knew You
when he was a teenager. He said You called him to
preach. That's why I'm praying that he will get back
into fellowship with You and return to You like the
prodigal son of old." The Lord answered, "No, don't pray
for him anymore."
"You're telling me not to pray for him anymore?" I
asked. "But he's still here in this life. There's still hope
for him."
"No," the Lord said, "he'll never be saved. He will die
and go to hell." That came as a shock to me! I said,
"Lord, I don't understand that."
Jesus said to me, "Did you ever read in the Old
Testament about Ephraim? Don't you know I finally
said, 'Leave Ephraim alone. Just don't bother him
anymore. Leave him alone.' Why did I say that?
Because Ephraim was joined to his idols [Hosea 4:17].
So you leave this man alone."
You see, in a spiritual sense, this man was joined

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