The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

But our authority over the devil is in Jesus' Name
based on our rights and privileges in Christ. Our
authority over the devil doesn't depend on how long we
pray and fast, but we do need to know who we are in
Christ. On the other hand, praying and fasting will help
make us more sensitive to the leading of the Holy
Jesus replied, "That's all you do." "Yes, but, Lord,
she's in another state and I'm here," I protested. The
Lord replied, "There's no distance in the spirit realm.
You can command a devil to stop harassing,
intimidating, or deterring someone who is in another
state, and he'll have to stop in his operations against
the person."
So I dealt with the evil spirit that was working
through that woman just as Jesus told me to do. And
when I spoke to the demon, he answered me. Jesus had
told me I would begin to see and hear in the realm of the
spirit; that was the gift of discerning of spirits in
operation. The pastor didn't see or hear anything, but I
both saw and heard that spirit as it spoke to me.
The evil spirit said he sure didn't want to stop in his
operations against that pastor, but he knew he had to if
I told him to. I told him he had to in Jesus' Name. Then
still in the spirit realm, I saw the evil spirit run away
like a whipped dog. When he did, I started laughing.
There is a laugh in the Spirit, and it indicates a note of
Then I became tuned back in to the natural realm,
and I realized that the pastor was laughing with me. I
don't know how long we laughed like that in the Spirit.
After it was over, I told him I'd been in the spirit realm
—lost in that cloud of glory—but that I thought I'd
heard him laughing too. He said he had been. He told

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