The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Once the ruler of darkness let the other spirits in
with it, in the vision, I saw the evil spirit of that higher
order go down inside the man into his spirit. Still
narrating, Jesus said, "Now the man is possessed by
that evil spirit."
Jesus explained to me that even in the case of this
unsaved man, he was first just oppressed by the evil
spirit that came to whisper the devil's thoughts to his
mind. Then as the man yielded to thinking those
thoughts, he became obsessed with the devil's thoughts.
The man kept yielding his thinking to that evil spirit
until finally through the man's own consent the evil
spirit was able to possess the man's spirit.
Then Jesus explained to me, "The higher class of
demons—a ruler of darkness—got control of the man
first, and it is the one that did the possessing. It is
always a ruler of darkness that does the possessing.
Then that higher order of demon let in all the others
with him." All of those evil spirits were in the man, of
course, but it was the demon of the higher order that
first enticed the man and entered his mind that fully
possessed him.

Full Possession
After the Lord showed me how evil spirits gain
access to a person, He said to me, "From this night on,
when you are in the presence of one who is fully
possessed, the evil spirits will recognize you. They will
also recognize that you have authority over them."
Jesus was speaking of the authority every believer
has in the Name of Jesus. Jesus said, "When a person is
fully possessed, the demon in him can use the person's

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