The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

those evil spirits speak in the spirit realm. People can
hear me tell them to leave, but no one else hears the
evil spirits talking because they can only be heard in
the spirit realm through the gift of discerning of spirits.
For example, sometimes in the healing line evil
spirits have said very emphatically to me, "I don't
intend to go!" I just say, "You have to go in the Name of
Jesus. Leave this person in the Name of Jesus," and the
evil spirits always depart and the people are delivered.
Many times when I'm in the Spirit, I've seen them
depart, although there was no visible manifestation in
the person. God's Word works; we have authority over
all the power of the devil (Luke 10:19).

Jesus and the Madman of Gadara
Jesus said, "In dealing with evil spirits, you will
know the kind of demon you are dealing with by
revelation—either through the word of knowledge or
discerning of spirits. When I walked up to that madman
of Gadara, I discerned what kind of a spirit it was that
possessed him. It was an unclean spirit: "For he [Jesus]
said unto him, Come out of the man, thou UNCLEAN
SPIRIT" (Mark 5:8).
Jesus explained to me, "You see, I was not
ministering by some power inherent in Me because I am
the Son of God. When I came to this world, I laid aside
My mighty power and glory, as the Scriptures say (Phil.
2:6-8). I was ministering under the anointing of the
Spirit of God by the gifts of the Spirit, just as any other
believer would minister.
"And because I was ministering by the anointing of
the Spirit of God, I had to depend upon the Holy Spirit
to manifest Himself through Me. In this case, the Holy

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