The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

natural—I won't accept that unless You can prove what
You're saying to me by the holy written Word of God.
The Bible says, 'By the mouth of two or three witnesses,
let every word be established' [Matt. 18:16]. I won't
believe what You are telling me unless You can give me
three witnesses from the New Testament."
You see, we live under the New Covenant or the
New Testament. I'm not so concerned about the Old
Covenant. Now don't misunderstand me. I believe it, of
course, and I understand its value. But I'm not trying to
get back under the Old Covenant and live under its
rules and regulations because it was written for
spiritually dead people; they weren't born again. Under
the New Covenant, we are made new creatures and our
human spirits are recreated.
Jesus smiled so sweetly at me and said, "I'll go you
one better. I'll give you four."
Jesus said to me, "To pray that I, the Lord Jesus
Christ, or that God the Father would do anything about
the devil is to waste your time."
I said, "Dear God, I've wasted a lot of time!" A lot of
folks today are wasting their time!
Then Jesus said, "God the Father and I have done
all that We are ever going to do about the devil until the
time when the angel of God will come down from
Heaven and bind the devil with a chain and put him in
the bottomless pit for a thousand years [Rev. 20:1-3].
Until that time, Heaven is not going to do anything else
about the devil."
You see, God sent Jesus, and Jesus already did
something about the devil: “... For this purpose the Son
of God was manifested, that he might DESTROY THE
WORKS OF THE DEVIL” (1 John 3:8). Jesus defeated

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