The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

Jesus said to me, "That's the reason if you hadn't
done something about that devil, I couldn't have." I saw
it then! As a member of the Body of Christ, I had the
authority over that devil that jumped up between Jesus
and me. And if I hadn't exercised my authority over
that evil spirit, nothing would have been done about
That's why you need to put the devil on the run with
the Word of God. However, if your mind hasn't been
renewed with the Word, you are in trouble because you
probably wouldn't know how to take your rightful
position in Christ so you can take your stand against
the enemy. And because of your lack of knowledge,
you'd let the enemy defeat you because you wouldn't
know who you are in Christ and the authority you
really possess.
Jesus also gave me Ephesians 4:27 as the fourth
scriptural witness that proves believers are the ones
who have authority over the devil.

27 Neither give place to the devil.
Paul was writing to Christians, saying, "Don't give
the devil any place in you." If the Bible says not to give
the devil any place, it stands to reason that you can give
the devil place in your life. On the other hand, if you
can keep from giving him a place in you, then you must
have authority over him.
Actually, the devil can't take any place in you unless
you give it to him by permission or ignorance or just by
failing to exercise the authority that already belongs to
How are you to keep the devil from taking a place in
you? You'll have to submit to God first. Only then will

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