The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

When Jesus overcame Satan and his host of evil
spirits and demons, God marked that down as though
every believer did it because we are in Christ. Jesus
was our Substitute. He defeated Satan for us, not for
Therefore, if you're born again, you have the Greater
One—the Victor over Satan—living on the inside of you.
John G. Lake once said that he got so mad about
these fellows who are always running around talking
about demons all the time and magnifying the devil,
that he almost wanted to cuss. They magnified the devil
by always talking about him and what he's doing in
their lives and on the earth and how great his power is.
Lake said some people talk like the devil is a great
big fellow—a huge giant—and God is a little bitty
fellow, maybe two feet tall. People who talk like that
say, "You'd better watch out for the devil." These people
are so devil-conscious, they very seldom talk about
Jesus. But the more you magnify the devil, the greater
he is going to become in your life.
Some believers seem to have more respect for the
devil and his ability and believe in him more than they
do in God!
Take your place in Christ. Stand your ground on
God's Word. Be careful about keeping company with
people who are always talking about the devil and who
don't magnify the Word of God. And don't pick up on
every spiritual "fad" that's going on. Stay with the
Word. Preach the Word, not what the devil is doing. And
stay in the middle of the road doctrinally and avoid
extremes, including in this area of demons.
You don't have to go looking for the devil, but if he
shows up, kick him out. You have authority over him in

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