The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

14 Forasmuch then as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, he [Jesus] also
himself likewise took part of the same; that
through death he might DESTROY HIM THAT
HAD THE POWER OF DEATH [spiritual death],
that is, THE DEVIL.
HEBREWS 2:14 (American Standard Version)
14 Since then the children are SHARERS in
flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner
partook of the same; that through death HE
THE POWER OF DEATH, that is, the devil.
The King James Version of the Bible says that Jesus
"destroyed" Satan who had the power of death—
spiritual death or separation from God. That doesn't
mean Jesus destroyed Satan in the sense that Satan
ceased to exist. The meaning is a little clearer in the
American Standard Version. It says Jesus put Satan "to
nought." In other words, Jesus conquered Satan and
stripped him of his power and authority.
When Hebrews 2:14 says Jesus destroyed Satan who
had the power of death, the Bible is not talking about
physical death. Physical death will eventually be put
underfoot (1 Cor. 15:54), but until it is, people still die
There are three kinds of death referred to in the
Bible. First, spiritual death (John 5:24; Eph. 2:1) or
separation from God. Second, the Bible talks about
physical death (Phil. 1:20,21). Third, the Bible refers to
the second death which is eternal separation from God
and being eternally cast into the lake which burns with
fire and brimstone (Rev. 20:13-15).
Hebrews 2:14 is talking about spiritual death. It's
saying that Jesus destroyed the authority of Satan who

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