The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

Satan has been dethroned by Jesus Christ at the
Cross of Calvary and in His resurrection. Satan has
been removed from his throne, his place of prominence,
his place of authority—and from his high office. Jesus
already did that for every believer.
Satan has no authority over the believer, unless the
believer gives him access or authority through lack of
knowledge of God's Word, disobedience, or failure to
exercise his rights in Christ.
The fact that Satan has been dethroned and
stripped of his authority is the wisdom the Holy Spirit
is trying to get across to the Body of Christ—the
triumphant Church—in these Spirit-inspired prayers in
the Book of Ephesians.
The wisdom of God is that believers only need to
stand in Jesus' victory over the devil because they are
in Christ. Jesus' victory over the devil is their victory.
That's why believers don't need to make war on an
enemy that is already defeated.
The wisdom of God—Bible wisdom—is that Satan is
a defeated foe. But that's not the wisdom of the world.
Satan, the god of this world, doesn't want people to
know that.
The wisdom of the god of this world is that believers
still have to struggle and war against the hosts of
darkness in an effort to try to defeat and overcome
Satan wants believers to spend their time trying to
fight a "war" that has already been fought and won by
Jesus because the devil knows that is a waste of their
Of course Satan still wields power over unsaved
people in the world because they don't know he's been

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